The preparative chromatography data system PrepCon 5
- Unmatched range of functions and many extras
- Control of a wide range of devices and components from different manufacturers
- GMP GLP 21 CFR Part 11

As a preparative data and control system, PrepCon meets all the requirements placed on a modern program in preparative chromatography. Thanks to its great flexibility and modular structure, the program can be adapted to the system of any user. As a further development to previous program versions, PrepCon 5 focuses on simple user guidance and improved method creation. All the advantages of networks can be used without restriction. National and international regulations, such as 21 CFR Part 11, are fully supported. The universally applicable Windows program PrepCon 5 can be used to control pumps, motor switching valves, autosamplers, detectors and fraction collectors in any combination. Its new data acquisition module allows parallel recording of up to 8 analog signals, such as UV absorption, pressure, temperature, pH, conductivity, etc. With the visualization of your plant you can check the current status at any time.
PrepCon5 Details
The Main-Window
A comfortable user interface provides a quick overview of the modules and can also be operated via function keys.

Via the main window you get a status display of the plant. The user has the possibility of individual design of the displays and the function key layout. The main window contains the most important functions or modules as function keys. You can also operate the plant manually via these keys or via the visualization. GLP-compliant operation is ensured by using the User Administration with up to four user levels with password protection. Device-specific characteristic values of your system are defined in the setup.
Method creation
The graphical representation of the time control file, in particular that of the gradient progression, also increases clarity when programming the time control file and thus helps to avoid errors.

In a time table editor all available functions can be programmed time or volume dependent. In the associated graphical representation, up to 9 data channels can be mapped, on the basis of which the individual functions are also graphically shifted and transferred to the method. In this way, retention time shifts are compensated. The layout and color of the graphical representation can also be freely selected by the user.
Both the configuration of the system and the programmed and loaded time control file can be displayed for each be displayed for each data channel. Changes made to the current time made graphically in one of the recording windows to the current time can be saved directly in the method.
As a user, you thus have the option of adapting the time control file to the current run at any time.

The interactive solvent monitoring is also graphically displayed by the Solvent Supply window. You can prevent the system from running dry by setting the appropriate threshold values.

With the threshold function, you can control all devices of the system in dependency of a detector signal (peak height) or a switching input. If, for example, the temperature in your column increases too much, a corresponding eluent cooling can be switched on or off again via a threshold value.
Peak sampling
Peak sampling causes fractionation via the slope of a detector signal. For each peak window you can create the programming individually. During a run, the data source may be changed as often as desired. Up to eight individual detector signals can be used. Different peak situations such as peak start, valley, shoulder and peak end are taken into account. The peak sampling visualization shows you all detected situations graphically.

Fraction Rack Module
This module allows a complete integration of your fraction collector into the plant. In the setup you can define different rack types and movement sequences. This is easily and comfortably realized by a so-called “teaching function”. In the graphical display you get a direct assignment of the individual fractions to the corresponding peaks. Especially in case of high capacity of the fraction collector, clarity is guaranteed.
User-defined channel
This module allows the linking of different data sources, i.e. the mathematical processing of the signals. The results obtained from this can still be assigned exponential functions.
Data recording Various A/D converters are available for recording the raw data, which can be combined in almost any way. An expansion to up to eight independent signal inputs is possible. Data recording allows an unlimited number of data points per chromatogram. The parameters are already selected when the time control file is created.
Results file
All relevant data are summarized in a result file.The following data are stored: Documentation, time control file, autosampler table, chromatograms, integration results, fraction allocation table, sequence logging.
Signing of results is possible.

- Reliable integration parameters ensure fast and safe calculation.
- The processing capabilities have been specifically designed for preparative chromatography.
- Labeling chromatograms with fraction markers and/or any text makes the user's work easier.